HANEBADO is a sports , seinen anime from Liden Films that follows the badminton club of Kitakomachi highschool. It has two main characters, Ayano Hanesaki and Nagisa Aragaki. The former being a genius of the sport and having an ability to surpass others effortlessly while the latter being a hard worker who although is not as talented as the other but still works day and night to improve herself. Both of them have conflicting ideas as for Ayano badminton is just another sport while for Nagisa it's something that she lives for. Now, the first episode was one of the most impressive first episodes that I have ever watched. I was not really excited for hanebado as I am not into sports anime but this just blew my mind. The animation quality, soundtrack, visuals, character designs,everything was top notch. The writing of this episode was just perfect. The main reason why I loved this first episode so much is because of the serious tone of the show, it presents itself as a heavy hearted emotional drama and succeeds on all accounts. All the characters are coherent and well setup. The first episode suggests a lot of character development in the future which is always a good sign. Overall hanebado is a series that I urge everyone to check out and follow weekly as it has the potential of being the best anime this season.
Drops of god is a drama manga series illustrated by Shu Okimoto and completed its run in 2014. The manga follows Shizuku Kanzaki who is the son of a highly coveted wine expert Yutaka Kanzaki who started teaching him about wine from a very young age. Shizuku being a rebellious child started to hate wine and later on joined a beer company. The story starts with Shizuku recieving news that his father from whom he is estranged has passed away. He visits the family home to hear his father's will. In the will his father mentions that whoever will correctly identify thirteen wines known as the "twelve apostles" and the thirteenth known as the "drops of god" will inherit his legacy( wine collection). So he goes head to head against his adopted brother Issei Toomine who is a renowned wine critic in a bid to obtain his father's legacy. Being a hater of wine , Shizuku has never tasted any wine in his life but with his strong sense of smell and taste , he dives into
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