Amagi Brilliant park is a fantasy , comedy anime from Kyoto Animation , it follows a narcissistic high schooler Kanie Seiya who is invited to and asked to manage an amusement park called Amagi Brilliant by his classmate Sento Isuzu. This is a run down amusement park that has long lost its popularity , Kanie at first refuses the offer but later finds out that the employees of this park are from maple land , which is a magical place and the only reason why these maple landers are able to exist is by the energy released by the people while they are having fun. To be able to meet these energy demands the park needs to attract 500,000 visitors inside three months . Thus , Kanie accepts this job in order to help these maple landers.
When I went into this , I was not expecting much but just after a few minutes into the first episode, I realised that this was not just another basic fantasy show. The story , that I initially thought would turn out to be boring , instantly gripped me and I got really excited to go on this journey with the maple landers. The anime has a certain charm to it and it brings a smile to your face , this charm will instantly invest you into the characters and you will soon find yourself rooting for them. If you have read my blogs before , you would know that one of the primary things that I look for in an anime is character development and this one has tons of it. All the characters bring something to the table and have a lot of depth to them , this depth in turn results in some very satisfactory character development. The well written character interactions mixed with some pretty good animations act as really good catylists for viewer immersion.
As you can see from the above image , the character designs of this anime are very unique and great to look at. These unique designs mixed with some brilliant voice acting ensures that the viewer will instantly fall in love with them. The show also delivers greatly in the comedy department , it has a great comedic timing which ensures that the comical scenes are well balanced with the serious ones.
The only complain that I have with this anime is that the ending could have been handled a bit better , but considering that it's a novel adaptation and its from Kyoto Animation , I kind of expected an unsatisfactory ending as there have been a lot of instances where KyoAni have adapted a novel , did not adapt all volumes of it and thus delivered unsatisfactory endings. But still it is something that I count as a flaw of the anime. Overall , I think it's a pretty good anime and I highly recommend it.
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