Drops of god is a drama manga series illustrated by Shu Okimoto and completed its run in 2014. The manga follows Shizuku Kanzaki who is the son of a highly coveted wine expert Yutaka Kanzaki who started teaching him about wine from a very young age. Shizuku being a rebellious child started to hate wine and later on joined a beer company. The story starts with Shizuku recieving news that his father from whom he is estranged has passed away. He visits the family home to hear his father's will. In the will his father mentions that whoever will correctly identify thirteen wines known as the "twelve apostles" and the thirteenth known as the "drops of god" will inherit his legacy( wine collection). So he goes head to head against his adopted brother Issei Toomine who is a renowned wine critic in a bid to obtain his father's legacy. Being a hater of wine , Shizuku has never tasted any wine in his life but with his strong sense of smell and taste , he dives into
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