Isekai is one of the most popular and loved genre of anime and has received a major boom in recent years. For anyone who is not aware , isekai anime is basically an anime where the main protagonist is transported to another world , so examples of this genre are anime like no game no life , konosuba , re zero and many more. This boom can be easily seen by the number of isekai anime that come out every season , in the past two years , almost all the studios have tried their hand at it in hopes of making a hit by riding on the genre's popularity.
But recently , the decline in these anime is pretty clear. This decline is clearly due to an oversaturated market , a lot of people nowadays skip anime from this genre as they perceive them to be "just another isekai". To be very honest that is very understandable , people have watched so many isekai , good and bad that at this point everyone of them look mostly the same. All of the isekai coming out nowadays have a very similar concept, so it sounds very fair to say that everything that could have been done , has been done. But then why do we still see tons of isekai coming out every season, considering the recent decline , shouldn't the isekai trend be over for good? Frankly , I feel that it would never die , atleast not for a few years. And why do I think that? Well the reason is that isekai anime gives a very prominent feeling of escapism.
The studios making these anime know their target demographic , which is people who strongly dream of escaping from their everyday lives and living out a fantasy. These people can greatly relate to the protagonist of these anime, as most of these protagonists , similar to them are tired of their life . So when these protagonists are able to escape their boring life and dive into a fantasy world , it allows the viewers to follow them and live out a fantasy through the eyes of these protagonists. Now , you might be thinking , what does all this have to do with the isekai trend. Well it's pretty clear that due to this target demographic , isekai anime will never completely die as the number of people who are tired of their lives will never become zero , it might increase but it will most probably never decrease. As far as the decline in its popularity is concerned , that is bound to happen for every anime genre out there , but what makes the isekai genre's decline different is that as more anime fans , who are not tired of their lives , stop watching isekai , tons of other people who fall in the target demographic will start getting into the genre , so I feel that there will be a time when the decline will stop and the genre will become stable on the popularity chart but without a doubt , there will never be a time when these anime die out due to the amount of "relatable escapism" they provide to the audience.
Megumin , from Konosuba |
So , the major advantage that this genre has over the others is that the amount of people that enjoy it will forever increase and thus there is very little to no possibility of it completely dying.
Thank you everyone for reading , sorry for the shorter blogs recently , I am just really busy with the next mangaka spotlight and setting up my new place. I'll try to get back to the usual longer blogs as quickly as possible so please bare with me. Follow me on twitter @allaboutanimee or subscribe to the blog for future updates , share the blog if possible and have a nice day.
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