Gakkou Gurashi is a slice of life, horror anime from studio Lerche and is based off of a manga with the same name. It follows four highschool girls Yuki, Miki, Kurumi, and Yuuri who along with their teacher, Sakura, are members of the School Living club which, as the name suggests, is a club whose members live in the school and are not allowed to leave the school grounds. Yuki absolutely loves the school and the club but is unaware of the harsh reality behind its creation. So, slice of life and horror, these are two genres which are pretty difficult to combine and thus tend to result in disappointments but at the same time, if executed well, can make a show highly entertaining. Thankfully in this case the genres are combined pretty well, the plot is unique and no matter how ridiculous it may seem at first glance, it works. The plot develops into a really enjoyable and immersive story, the slick animations and pleasant background score ensure a good time for the viewers. But th...
Sword art online: Alicization is the newest installment in the sword art online anime franchise. I guess everyone is well aware of this series, so I will not spend anytime giving a summary of it. SAO is one of the most debated shows in anime history, tons of people hate it while a good amount also love it. As far as my opinion is concerned, you can say that I stand on the side of those who hate it. Now, I am not gonna lie, I really liked the initial few episodes of the first season but then the anime just went downhill for me. I was actually thinking about skipping the new season but was convinced by the tweets of @AlwaysLethargic and decided to give it a go, and to be honest I thought that the first episode, although not perfect was pretty good. The animations were once again really well done, and mixed with some pretty impressive visuals, the first episode was a treat for the eyes. As of now I have only seen one episode of the show and so I have only been graced with o...